What makes Magstar Total Retail different?

30 Years in the Retail Industry

Our technology has 30 years of industry best practices baked right into its foundations. Development is customer-driven, which means the interface is intuitive and built around what you need to use it to do.

Integration with Third-Party Partners

Integrate with the hottest apps and platforms on the market to cut costs and improve the overall efficiency of your business.

Easy Implementation

We understand the difficulties involved in transitioning from a legacy system. Our rigorous process employs a field-tested methodology to minimize your growing pains.

Platinum Service for Every Client

Magstar assigns each of its customers a dedicated analyst to ensure they have the highest quality support. No call centers, no reciting support scripts, no robots. We give you the best.

Big Retail BI for Midsized Retail Budgets

Why should the heavy-hitters be the only ones with access to intelligent automation, streamlined business-wide efficiencies, and valuable insight into customer data?

Our satisfied clients speak for themselves

With 37 locations over nine counties in Indiana, the only way to have reliable data is to have a system like Magstar. The technology centralizes our operations, generates reports and gives us the kind of visibility that we need. David Hartley, Indiana Liquor Group

Top of the Charts for 22 years.

Industry leaders in:

  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Software Reliability
  • Return on Investment
  • Quality of Support
  • Quality of Service
  • Admin & Maintenance